
FAQs is The Free Email Change of Address Registry and Service that enables companies and people to stay connected when email addresses change. Founded in 1999 and based in Newton, Massachusetts, we are the original developer and U.S. patent holder of email change of address (ECOA) technology. In October 2008, we purchased Return Path's ECOA business, and welcomed an additional 12+ million members to the family.

Who Can Benefit From This Service?

Our service is ideal for anyone looking to staying in touch with friends, associates, old classmates, former customers, business prospects, or relatives.

Use to:

  • enable your new and old contacts to find your current preferred email address
  • find friends' and colleagues' new email addresses in seconds
  • receive automatic updates with your registered friends' current preferred email addresses, no matter how many times their addresses change
  • notify newsletter and catalog subscriptions, friends, and business contacts of email address changes

Registering for our service is quick and easy, and it's absolutely free. There is no software to download, no marketing questionnaires, and no intrusive advertising. And it's always available - at home, in the office, or when you are on vacation - anywhere there is Internet access. provides a central and private location to keep your friends, professional contacts, and favorite businesses informed.


About FreshAddress, LLC

FreshAddress, LLC (parent company of provides a comprehensive suite of industry-leading services to help companies and nonprofits build, clean, and update their email address lists. Services include ECOA, B2C email appending, B2B email appending, reverse appending, email list audit services, real-time email address validation, and email database consulting.

Hundreds of leading companies have entrusted their lists to FreshAddress, including retailers, nonprofit organizations, Internet companies, healthcare providers, technology companies, newspapers, travel companies, telecommunications providers, and catalog marketers, among others. FreshAddress services are also offered through numerous partner channels including data solutions providers, email messaging companies, email marketers, email providers, and ISPs.

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