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Searching for Emails

How do I find the current, preferred email address of a friend or business contact?

You can search for a current, preferred email at any time on the Search For An Email page. If the person you enter is a member, we can help you find their new email addresses in seconds. Simply enter any email address for that person, and we'll tell you if it's been updated in our database (subject to their chosen Privacy Protection Level). If you don't know an email address for that person, you can try searching by name by clicking in 'Advanced Search'.

Can I find someone's email address if I only know their name?

Yes! If you don't know an email address for that person, you can try searching by name by clicking in 'Advanced Search' on the Search For An Email page. Please note that not everyone enters their name when registering, even if your friend is registered, you may have no results when searching by name.

Can I look up the name that belongs to an email address that I have?

Yes. You can look up a name at any time on the Search For An Email page. Enter the email address you have for that person. If (s)he is registered with their name, you will be provided with his/her 'FreshAddress' and name (subject to their chosen Privacy Protection Level).

Why do you only provide addresses of people who register at

We strive to provide a completely accurate and up-to-date email address registry. Unlike other sites that use mass, impersonal directories containing out-of-date addresses, our information is completely accurate because it can only be entered by you.

Can you let me know when someone I searched for registers at

Yes! If your search for someone's FreshAddress fails to produce a result, we provide you the option be notified when their new email address is registered on

Why do I need to register to search for other peoples' addresses?

To protect the privacy of our registered members, we ask all those who want to search for someone's email address to also register their own address.